Hons third year suggestion finance & banking finance management
Hons third year suggestion
finance & banking
finance management
subject code 232415
A Part
What is investment deceision
what is wealth maximization
what is capital market
what is CSR
what is financial management
what is risk
what is business risk
what is premium
Elaborate CAPM
what is sensitivity analysis
what is internal rate of return
what is risk adjusted discount rate
what is capital structure
what is optimal capital structure
what is dividend policy
what is stock split
what is reverse stock split
what is sinking fun
what is junk Bond
what are best efforts offering
what is the elaboration of ipo
what is right share
what is pre emptive right
what is private placement
what is IPO
what is money market
what is lease financing
what is sale and lease back
what do you mean by working capital
what is operating cycle
B&C part
what is financial management
discuss the factors influencing financial decision
Nurrate the three important decisions of financial hot are the factors altering financial decision
Discuss the sourecss of risk
show the difference between risk and uncertainty
Discuss with n brief the techniques of capital budgeting
Difference between CE approach and RADR approach
write short on CAPM.
Differentiate between net incomen approach and net operating income approach
what is meant by corporate office tax
what are the general be assumptions of capital structure theories
Explain the mm gordon.s model of dividend policy
what is zero coupon bonds ? why do investor buy it although it has no coupon internest
what is the information content of dividing payment
how does it affect this share value
what is right share? what is mean by privileged subscriptions
what is meant by pre emptive right
what is Bond refunding ? why is it done
show the difference between right by issue and public offereing offering
Discuss different methods of lease
Distinguish between lease and purchase
Discuss the different types of working capital
what Is meant by cash management
what are the objectives of working Capital Management
canvas ltd is considering two mutually beneficial exclusive project. A and projected B. A requires and iniitial ---- nu 15
preyntla conpurters is considering invesment in one of the --- nu 12
Greeen company presently is an unlevered firm. the company exectes --- nu 14
There are two companies U and L. Where l is leverd firm and u is unlevered firn which has no debt l firm --- nu 15
ABCV ltd has the following capital structure nu 15
The ABIR and co.s expected earing before interest and ---nu 12
Sun limited with operating earning of tk 4.00.000 is --- nu 14
Yarn comany with net operating earnings of tk 30.000 is attempting to evaluate a number--- nu 16
Rafi ltd has the following stock holders accoynt --- nu 15
karnafuli paper mills ltd has the following shareholder equity statement nu 16
Hillary inc is proposingba rights offering presently they have --- nu 16
MR.Rahaman is thinking of acpuiring a car for that purpose he is to ---- nu13
mehrin is to decide whether s computer is to be purchased through 12% borrowing---.nu 16
Following information are obtained form Nokshi traders-- nu 16
As a management Accounted of alfa bangladesh company ---- nu 14
Grahically explain the plicies of working capital --- nu 16
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