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Hon.s 4th year suggestion 2020 Accounting Research methodology

 Hon.s 4th year suggestion 2020

Department Accounting 

subject Research methodology 

subject code 242527 

Hon.s 4th year suggestion 2020 Department Accounting  subject Research methodology

Part A 

what is Research?

what is Research methodology 

what is ment ny phenomenology 

mention the stage of theory development 

what is research design 

what is research problem?

what is probing?

what  do you mean by operationalization?

what is observation?

what is piggyback?

what is ment by sample survey?

what do you mean by information 

what is questionnaire?

what is experiment? 

what is survey?

what is measurement?

what is discrete measure?

what is co-efficient  alpha?

what is validity?

what is meant by popilation parameters

what is frequency table?

Define census?

what is chi square test ?

what is sample design?

Define t-test?

what do you mean by editing?

what t-test is applied?

what is ANOVA

what is coding?

what is information report?

what is report writing?

what is feedback?

what is analytical report?


show the differcence betwen data and information .

what is are the limiataions of research?

what is the important features of research design?

state the characteristics of qualitaive research?

what benefits can be gained form case studies?

write down the basic principles of experimental deaign?

what do you mean by door to door interviews?

distinguish  between census and sample survey?

what are the tech inques used for  measuring attitude.

Discuss the characterisyics of good questionnaire.

Describe the sources of error  in measurement.

Define and exemplify quota sampling.

what is measure of central tendency?

Calculate the mean deviation form i arithmetic mean ii.mode iii median in respect  of the marks obtained by nine students given below and show that the mean deviation form median is minimun marks out of 25)

The sample mean of groups of 1.300 and 1.600 sizes are  69.59 and 69.75. the standard deviations are 2 and 3 respectively. test the differcence between two sample groups at 5% significant level (N.U2018)

 The sample means of two groups of 1200 and 1500 sizes are 68.50 and 68.58 and stanard deviations are 2.50  and 3.00 respectively (nu 16)

what do you mean by type  2 error (16.18)

Distinguish between technical report and popular report( nu 13)

the following table shows the sales of products of company (nu 14)

Calculate the median form the following data marks obtained by 10 students.nu 15 

Part C

Show the types of business research?

state the objectives of business research

Define research propsoal. what are the major components ofa research proposal

what are the purposes of intelligence testing 

Discuss the problem definition process steps.

write down the sources of secondary data 

what  are the considering factors while using secobdary data 

what are the components of research  problem?

discuss the role of research in business.

define survey questioning. how is a survey questioning desigend?

state the disadvanteges of presonal interview.

what are the criteria for good mea surmrnt.

Describe various types of measurement  scales.

How much pretesting and revising are necessary 

Describe the advan tages importance objectivea of  sampling

Explain the proedure of testing hypothesis.

what point should be taken into consideration by a researcher in developing a sample design gor researcher in developing a sample design for researcher in developing a sample design for researche in developing a sample design for researche profit.

mention the basic techniques of data analysis.

A sample  of 900 products are ease in which the sample mean and standard deviation are 3-4  cm and 2.61  cm respect ively. populaton mean is 3.25. Find hypotheses.nu 14 

Differeniate betwen correlation and regression analysis.

 point out the various stages of data analysis.

what is data analysis

briefly explain the stages of business research process.

what is research follow up nu 16.18 

Two salesmen a and b are working in a  certain district. form a sample survey conductcted by the head office.nu 14 

Calcute mean and standard deviation for the data given below.

form the following frequency distribution of marks obtained and numver of students Calcute mean and standard deviation nu 18

The sample means of two groups of 1200 and 1500 sizes are and 68.58 and standard deviations are2.5 and 3 respectively. the difference among values at 5% significant level.nu 16 

form the following data determine the co efficent of correlation and comment on your result.nu 15.18 

the following table  show the product  of NOVARTIS  pharma LTd. nu 18 

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